Celtic Scaffolding Systems Ltd have established an excellent working relationship with both corporate, private businesses and residential properties supplying and erecting scaffold to exact customer specifications.
Our company is fully insured and adhere to all current Healthy and Safety standards working closely with the site inspectors to ensure site safety so far as reasonably practicable.
We understand due to the current financial climate that reducing costs is a primary clients concern, we are able to offer a cost effective service, whilst maintaining legal cover to minimise liability for the customer and our company.
Please always check your service providers have adequate cover, savings in the short term may lead to additional and unnecessary costs at later date.
Celtic Scaffolding Systems Ltd want our customers to return to us again, so we deliver a consistent high quality service to all our customers.
We provide a free comprehensive quotation and design service to enable you to implement the most economical scaffold structure to suit your access requirements.
We offer a reliable, competitive and professional service.
Call Gerry: 0876796509 / 0949649892 www.celticscaffolding.ie